- Big Bang
The formation of fractional sinusoids from complete sinusoids.
- Compatibilism
Subjective and objective causation are compatible with each other.
- Compossibility
Anything possible individually must also be possible collectively.
- Cosine wave
A wave that repeats its values at regular intervals with a shape determined by the trigonometric cosine function.
The mathematical code that links our individual mind with the collective mind.
- Energy
The process of moving around a circle.
- Euler's formula
eix = cos x + i sin x
- Euler's formula (generalised version)
A ei(fx + Φ) = A cos (fx + Φ) + i A sin (fx + Φ)
- Falsification principle
A statement is meaningful only if it can be empirically proven wrong. The principle itself is unfalsifiable.
- Flowing point
The smallest possible ontological number.
- Fourier series
The application of the Fourier transform to periodic functions.
- Fourier transform
The process of decomposing a waveform into its constituent parts.
- Free will
The deterministic choices we make according to our subjective (internal) criteria.
- Gödel's incompleteness theorems
Axiomatic and logicist explanations of mathematics are inconsistent or incomplete. Mathematics itself is always consistent and complete.
- Infinity
The highest possible abstract number.
- Light
- Matter
A collection of fractional sinusoids.
- Mind
A collection of complete sinusoids.
- Monad
A collection of sinusoidal waves.
- Multiverse
Everything that can happen will happen. Refuted by Occam's razor.
- Myriad
The largest possible ontological number.
- Occam's razor
The simplest explanation is always the most plausible and preferred.
- Ontological mathematics
The study of points in rational motion.
- Orthogonal
- Photon
A standing wave.
- Planck's constant
The flowing point.
- Principle of Sufficient Reason
Nothing happens unless there is a reason for it to happen.
- Reality principle
Things must be objectively real in all circumstances, regardless of subjective observation.
- Selector Function
The logical (i.e. non-ontological) root of consciousness that determines what we are paying attention to.
- Sinusoid
Alternative term for sinusoidal wave.
- Sinusoidal wave
A wave that repeats its values at regular intervals with a shape determined by the trigonometric sine function.
- Soul
A monad.
- Space
A measurement of motion through real space.
- Spacetime
The arena of dynamically and inversely coupled real and imaginary space.
- Speed of light
The speed at which all points move around all circles: 1.
- Tensed time
The present moment is all that ever exists. The past has already happened and the future is yet to happen.
- Tenseless time
The past, present and future have always existed; reality is timeless and unchanging.
- Thought
A sinusoidal wave.
- Time
A measurement of motion through imaginary space.
- Universe
The entire collection of points in rational motion.
- Verification principle
A statement is meaningful only if it can be empirifically verified. The principle itself is unverifiable.
- Wave
A repeating pattern.
- Wavelength
Outside space: 360 degrees (2π radians).
- Zero
The smallest possible abstract number.