Ontological Mathematics


Ontological mathematics is the study of mathematics as the basis of existence, introduced into the public domain by the Pythagorean Illuminati, circa 2011. Also known as Illumination or Illuminism, ontological mathematics defines existence as a complete, consistent and tautological system of 100% mathematics.

Ontological mathematics asserts that the universe has always existed and is based on eternal and perfect mathematical entities known as monads that are in constant motion.

A monad is a collection of points that are in permanent circular motion.

Each point, while tracing a circle, creates eternal and unchanging waves.

These eternal waves combine to create new waves, which are constantly changing and together are the foundation for space and time.

The universe is cyclical

All waves created from the combination of eternal waves evolve from perfect asymmetry to perfect symmetry and back again.

The Big Bang is the ongoing transition from symmetry to asymmetry, resulting in space and time. Eventually, these waves start transitioning back into symmetry, resulting in the collapse of space and time, also known as the Big Crunch.

This process has no beginning nor end, it's an eternal cycle based on points in permanent circular motion.